Class & Skill Changes

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These are the list of skills that have modified effects in RenatusRO

Lord Knight

  • Berserk: When using this skill, Enchant Deadly Poison is Cancelled.
  • Spear Mastery: The attack bonus has been increased. (+6 without Peco, +8 with peco)
  • Bowling Bash: Skill damage has been reduced. New formula is (100+30*SkillLV)%, or 400% at level 10 instead of 500%. 400% Damage pertains to when both hits are landed on the enemy, if only 1 hit is landed on the enemy then the percent damage taken is 200% not 400%.
  • Spiral Pierce: The after cast delay has been reduced (.8 seconds at L5). Weight effect on the damage has been doubled.
  • Sword Mastery: The attack bonus has been increased. (50 level max)
  • Two-Handed Sword Mastery: The attack bonus has been increased to max level 50


  • Devotion: Skill will now effect players within 30 levels of the casting player.
  • Gospel: Damage to enemies will do up to 33,333 damage every 10 sec. The possible stat bonus has been increased to +30.
  • Pressure: Pressure will now do 2500 plus 1500 times skill level damage, or 10,000 at level 5. Skill will have a self limited delay equal to its natural delay (Lv1: 2 sec, Lv2: 2.5 sec, Lv3: 3 sec, Lv4: 3.5 sec, Lv5: 4 sec)
  • Sacrifice: It will do 4.5% of your max HP in damage base (6.3% at level 5) and drain 4.5% of your max HP.
  • Shield Boomerang: The damage bonus from refine has been increased from 10 to 100.
  • Shield Chain: The damage bonus from refine has been increased from 10 to 100.
  • Spear Mastery: The attack bonus has been increased. (+6 without Peco, +8 with peco)
  • Sword Mastery: The attack bonus has been increased. (50 level max)
  • Two-Handed Sword Mastery: The attack bonus has been increased to max level 50

High Wizard

  • Amplify Magic Power: When used on non PvP, GvG or Battlegrounds maps, Amplify Magic Power will last the full 30 seconds instead of 1 spell cast.(Note : The Amplify Magic effect will wear after 1 skill on a PvP/GvG/Battlegrounds map regardless of where the user was when they cast Amplify Magic Power.)
  • Fire Pillar: Will not have effect on Land Protector. (Note : the skill will proc and the Fire Pillar will be shown, but it can not be triggered while land protector is active.)
  • Napalm Vulcan: The aftercast delay on this skill has been doubled and can no longer be reduced.
  • Quagmire: This skill will not affect friendly players on GvG maps.
  • Soul Strike: The maximum number of hits in Soul Strike has been increased to 6 at Lv10.


  • Deluge: The HP increase is now 15%, 19%, 22%, 24%, and 25% respectively, based on skill level when standing in it with water armor.
  • Land Protector: This skill is now level selectable instead of always using the highest level that you currently know.
  • Mind Breaker: This skill will now effect Hard MDef rather than Soft MDef. In addition it will reduce Hard MDef by 20%
  • Soul Strike: The maximum number of hits in Soul Strike has been increased to 6 at Lv10.
  • Violent Gale: The Flee increase is now 30 * skill level when standing in it with wind armor.
  • Volcano: The Atk increase is now (100 * skill level) when standing in it with fire armor.


  • Arrow Shower: Increased damage by (2.5% x SkillLV) for a total of 150% at level 10.
  • Attention Concentrate: The level of Attention Concentrate cast will be equal to the level plus half of the level of Volture's Eye
  • Beast Strafing: Skill will now apply to Beasts and Insects, as well as Fish and Plants. The effect of STR on this skill has been capped at 150. Any str higher than that won't add additional damage.
  • Blitz Beat: Skill will no longer be affected by Pneuma. Dex will have ten times and Int four times more of an effect on output damage([DEX] + [INT] x 2 + 3 x Steel Crow SkillLV + 40) x 2)
  • Double Strafing: Double Strafe's formula has changed to 100% + 11*(skill_lv - 1)% per arrow. At level 10, assuming both arrows hit, the change is from 380% to 398%
  • Falcon Assault: The DEX and INT modifiers have been doubled. Skill will no longer be affected by Pneuma or Reverse Tatami. The after-cast delay of this skill has decreased by a sixth.
  • True Sight: When used, Hit will increase by 5 per skill level, rather than 3. When used, Critical rate will increase by 2 per skill level, rather than 1

Bard & Dancer

  • A Drum on the Battlefield: Attack bonus is doubled. (+300 at Level 5 instead of +150)
  • A Poem of Bragi: The effect of Int on After-Cast Delay is reduced to (Int/25)%
  • A Whistle: Flee incrased is tripled (+3 per skill level, instead of +1)
  • Arrow Vulcan: Attack modifier has been changed to an additional 150% per level. The max attack is now 1700%.
  • Attention Concentrate: The level of Attention Concentrate cast will be equal to the level plus half of the level of Volture's Eye
  • Arrow Shower: Increased damage by (2.5% x SkillLV) for a total of 150% at level 10.
  • Dissonance: Decreased Tick Time 3 -> 1
  • Double Strafing: Double Strafe's formula has changed to 100% + 11*(skill_lv - 1)% per arrow. At level 10, assuming both arrows hit, the change is from 380% to 398%
  • Fortune's Kiss: Critical bonus has been doubled. (+2 per skill level instead of +1)
  • Humming: Hit increased is tripled (+6 per level instead of +2)
  • Musical Strike: Increased damage ATK is now (275 + 25 * SkillLV)%.
  • Scream: Skill will now inflict Stone Curse, rather than Stun.
  • Tarot Card of Fate: The Chariot: Deals 20,000 DEF-ignoring damage. Randomly destroys one piece of armor. The Devil: Deals DEF-ignoring 66,666 damage, halves ATK and MATK for 30 seconds, and causes Curse. The Tower: Deals DEF-ignoring 44,444 damage.
  • Throw Arrow: Increased damage. ATK increase is (275 + 25 * SkillLV)%.
  • Ugly Dance: The SP Drained has been tripled.
  • Wink of Charm: Increased chance of Confusion status from 0.7% to 7%


  • Cart Termination: Damage from this skill will now be affected by cards. Skill will now give Slow Down effect in addition to stun at the same chance. Slow down effect will disable Body Relocation, Running, Back Sliding, High Jump, Shadow Jump and Flying Side Kick.
  • Hammer Fall: Skill will now give Confusion effect instead of stun
  • Mammonite: Damage increased by (5% * SkillLV), so 650% total at level 10. When under the effect of Alchemist's Spirit, Mammonite will be cast at 1.5 times its level. At level 10, it casts level 15.
  • Vending: You are no longer able to overlap another vendor and cover their shop completely.


  • Acid Terror: Increased damage by (40% * SkillLV), for a total of 500% damage at level 5. New damage formula is (100+80*SkillLV)% ATK. Skill is no longer perma-neutral. It will now be affected by weapon element. Skill will no longer pass status effects per its skill description. Skill can now be affected by card modifiers
  • Demonstration: Increased damage by (30% * SkillLV), so 350% at level 5. Only affect Enemy players, even on GvG maps. Skill can now be cast under a target. The duration of this skill has been increased by 50%
  • Potion Pitcher: Healing effect has been halved. Skill has a self limited delay that can not be reduced of 0.5 seconds
  • Vending: You are no longer able to overlap another vendor and cover their shop completely.
  • Bioethics: need to be unlockable via Platinum skill NPC, the other need to be unlocked in this way: Rest --> need level 1 Bioethics / Call Homunculus --> Need level 1 Rest / Ressurection Homunculus --> Need Level 1 Call Homunculus

Assassin Cross

  • Back Sliding: Remove the use from GVG Maps and WoE
  • Enchant Deadly Poison: Lasts longer at lower levels. The duration is 3 minutes at L1 and decreases by 30 seconds per level past that. (180-150-120-90-60). When using the skill Berserk, EDP is cancelled.
  • Katar Mastery: The attack bonus has been doubled.(6*SkillLV)
  • Left-Hand Mastery: The attack bonus has been increased. (Lvl 5 = 100%)
  • Meteor Assault: Area range increased to a 7x7 area around the caster
  • Right-Hand Mastery: The attack bonus has been increased (Max Level 150%)
  • Venom Splasher: No longer requires the target to be below 75% HP


  • Back Stab: Damage ratio has been increased. It is now 2000% at level 10 with melee weapons, or 1000% with bow. Does double damage against monsters
  • Back Sliding: Remove the use from GVG Maps and WoE
  • Chase Walk: Entering Chase Walk will now remove all Soul Linker (Ka-) buffs
  • Double Strafing: Double Strafe's formula has changed to 100% + 11*(skill_lv - 1)% per arrow. At level 10, assuming both arrows hit, the change is from 380% to 398%
  • Full Strip: The effect of DEX on Strip rate has been halved (both duration and chance).
  • Intimidate: Damage ratio has been increased. It is now 350% at level 5.
  • Raid: Can be used now without use hiding before
  • Reject Sword: Will now additionally work against Spear and Axe type weapons.
  • Strip Armor: The effect of DEX on Strip rate has been halved (both duration and chance).
  • Strip Helm: The effect of DEX on Strip rate has been halved (both duration and chance).
  • Strip Shield: The effect of DEX on Strip rate has been halved (both duration and chance).
  • Strip Weapon: The effect of DEX on Strip rate has been halved (both duration and chance).
  • Sword Mastery: The attack bonus has been increased. (50 level max)

High Priest

  • Holy Light: Holy Light will now do 140% MATK damage, up from 125%.
  • Mace Mastery: The attack bonus has been doubled.
  • Ruwach: Skill will cancel instantly when Body Relocation is used.
  • Sanctuary: Skill will heal 3,333 per tick past level 6, or 300 per skill level per tick below level 6.


  • Asura Strike: The damage modifier of SP on Asura has been capped at 6,000. When used in a Combo, Asura will ignore the recast requirement. Can no longer be used on it's own. It must be used with a combo or during Blade Stop.
  • Body Relocation: The recast delay will no longer be able to be reduced. A walking delay has been added. Removed the use from GVG Maps and WoE
  • Finger Offensive: Decreased damage to (100 + 40 * SkillLV)%, for a total of 300% instead of (100 + 50 * SkillLV)% for a total of 350% previously.
  • Mace Mastery: The attack bonus has been doubled.
  • Palm Push Strike: Decreased damage. New formula is (200 + 60 * SkillLV)% ATK for a total of 500% at level 5
  • Ruwach: Skill will cancel instantly when Body Relocation is used.
  • Triple Attack: Will no longer activate during the time period where the Monk/Champion can use Combo skills.

Taekwon Boy

  • Axe Kick: Heel Drop Kick now has a chance to inflict Stop, when ranked.
  • Counter Kick: Counter Kick now does increased damage based on your target's Strength (1% per 2 Str) and Vitality (1% per 1 Vit), when ranked.
  • High Jump: SP Cost has been reduced to 20. This skill can not be used in WoE

Soul Linker

  • Alchemist Spirit: Potency of Potion Pitcher increased by Job Level to a maximum of Job Level 90. When under the effect of Alchemist's Spirit, Mammonite will be cast at 1.5 times its level. At level 10, it casts level 15.
  • Eska: Has been made usable on players. However, when used on players the skills will function at half the level cast and will still cause a stun effect on the user.
  • Esma: Has been made usable on players. However, when used on players the skills will function at 3/4 (75%) the level cast and will still cause a stun effect on the user.
  • Estin: Has been made usable on players. However, when used on players the skills will function at 3/4 (75%) the level cast and will still cause a stun effect on the user.
  • Estun: Has been made usable on players. However, when used on players the skills will function at 3/4 (75%) the level cast and will still cause a stun effect on the user.
  • Kaahi: Taken SP is (10 * SkillLV) SP each time you are successfully attacked for a total of 70 SP at level 10 instead of 35. Healed by (500 * SkillLV) HP each time for a total of 3500 HP at level 10 instead of 1400.
  • Kaite: Increased number of reflects. LV 5-7 reflect 3, instead of 2.
  • Kaupe: Increased max level to 7. Each level past 3 will increase the number of evades by 1. (Total of 5 evades at L7.) The after cast delay on this skill can no longer be reduced. Each hit of a skill will remove 1 hit of Kaupe, rather than each cast.
  • Rebirth Spirit: Can now be used on Trans Character of ANY level. The stat boost will be up to +50 per stat. It will have no effect on stats above 128, will bring stats between 78 and 128 to 128 and all stats below 78 will have a flat +50 increase for the duration of the buff.
  • Rogue Spirit: Stalkers, whilst linked, will receive only half the previous bonus from using potions (it is now equivalent to a ranked pot).

Star Gladiator

  • Anger of the Moon: The level component of SG's Anger skills has been decreased to 1/3rd of the level. New formula is ((BaseLV/3+LUK+DEX)/(13-3*SkillLV))%
  • Anger of the Stars: The level component of SG's Anger skills has been decreased to 1/3rd of the level. New formula is ((BaseLV/3+LUK+DEX)/(13-3*SkillLV))%
  • Anger of the Sun: The level component of SG's Anger skills has been decreased to 1/3rd of the level. New formula is ((BaseLV/3+LUK+DEX)/(13-3*SkillLV))%
  • Demon of the Sun, Moon and Stars: No Longer perma Blindess


  • Mist Slash: The attack modifier has been increased to 100 + skill level*25
  • Shadow Slash: The attack modifier has been increased to 150*skill level
  • Throw Huuma Shuriken: The attack modifier has been increased to 200 + skill level*200
  • Throw Kunai: The damage bonus was increased to 250. Throw Kunai will now have a skill_lv/2% chance to inflict Bleeding for a base 5 seconds.
  • Throw Shuriken: The damage bonus on has been increased to 500 per skill level. Has a chance to reduce your target's flee by (skill level)% for 10 seconds.
  • Throwing Mastery: The damage bonus on has been increased to 25 per skill level


  • Chain Action: This skill can now be used with Gatling Guns
  • Desperado: Formula is (50+75*SkillLV)% ATK per hit, for a total of 800%. This skill cannot be casted when within range of Warp Portals. The range depends on which levels you use.
  • Dust: Damage increased from 50 to 65% additional damage per level. Formula is (50+65*SkillLV)%, so at Level 10 you get 700% instead of 550%.
  • Fling: This skill will now only reduce Hard Defense and not VIT based Defense.
  • Flip the Coin: The chances for success have been doubled.
  • Full Buster: Damage has been increased from 100 to 125% additional damage per level (L10 = 1600%). After Cast delay has been halved (1.5 sec at level 10 instead of 3 sec).
  • Gatling Fever: The damage bonus has been increased to 100+30*SkillLV.
  • Ground Drift: Skill duration will now last 4 times as long
  • Increasing Accuracy: Effect is upgraded to HIT+100, DEX+10, AGI+10 for the skill's duration.
  • Madness Canceller: Boosts attack by 250 instead of 100.
  • Spread Attack: Damage has been increased from 20 to 30% additional damage per level. Formula is (80+30*SkillLV)% so at Level 10, you get 380% instead of 280%.
  • Triple Action: Skill has been increased from 3 to 5 hits.
