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Job Type: 2-1 Transcendent
Changes From: Hunter
Changes At: Juno
Number of Skills: 4
Total Skill Points: 107
Total Quest Skills: 1
Job Bonuses
+4 +11 +3 +5 +14 +8



One shot, one kill! There is no better explanation than this to describe the Sniper class! The Sniper specializes in assassinating enemies from a distance.


They specialize in precise and powerful ranged attacks. The Sniper is the master of the Bow. In a Sniper’s hands, the bow is a deadly instrument capable of dealing massive damage and carnage. They gained a new skill called Falcon Assault with the help of his lifelong friend, the falcon. When friendship strengthens, so does their power. They also have skills that amplify their bow mastery, as well as piercing arrow skills.


For more information about Hunter skills, click Here

Skill Description Levels Type
File:True Sight.png True Sight
Increases all stats by 5 regardless of skill level. Also increases ATK, Hit, and CRIT for the skill's duration. 10 Supportive
File:Falcon Assault.png Falcon Assault
Deal a single defense ignoring attack to a target based on casters Dex and Int. 5 Offensive
File:Sharp Shooting.png Sharp Shooting
Deal up to 350% damage to all targets in a 12x3 area. 5 Offensive
File:Wind Walk.png Wind Walk
Increase the entire party's move speed and flee for the skills duration. 10 Supportive

External Links

Hunter  · Sniper
2nd Class
Ankle Snare · Beast Bane · Beast Strafing · Blast Mine · Blitz Beat · Claymore Trap · Detecting · Falconry Mastery · Flasher · Freezing Trap · Land Mine · Phantasmic Arrow · Remove Trap · Sandman · Shockwave Trap · Skid Trap · Spring Trap · Steel Crow · Talkie Box
True Sight · Falcon Assault · Sharp Shooting · Wind Walk
Classes of Ragnarok Online
Novice Class Novice · Super Novice
First Class Acolyte · Archer · Magician · Merchant · Swordman · Thief
Second Class Priest · Monk · Hunter · Bard · Dancer · Wizard · Sage · Blacksmith · Alchemist · Knight · Crusader · Assassin · Rogue
Transcendant Second Class High Priest · Champion · Sniper · Minstrel · Gypsy · High Wizard · Professor · Whitesmith · Creator · Lord Knight · Paladin · Assassin Cross · Stalker
Expanded Class Gunslinger · Ninja · TaeKwon Kid · Star Gladiator · Soul Linker