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File:Alchemist Sprite.png
Job Type: 2-2
Changes From: Merchant
Changes At: Al De Baran
Number of Skills: 15
Total Skill Points: 82
Total Quest Skills: 1
Job Bonuses
+5 +6 +3 +7 +9 +0


File:Alchemist Sprite.png

One who invaded God's territory.

Active in fields from ancient biotechnology to combining and creating mixtures, he/she joins the adventurers recruited by King Tristan III to perfect his/her biotechnology, and in the end, to successfully summon a Homunculus. The potions he/she makes have much better effects than those sold in stores. The advanced biotechnology also allows summonning of monsters that will help you. He/She continuously gathers materials and researches up to this day, amongst the many adventurers, in order to create biotechnology's greatest advantages, homunculus.


The Alchemist is a class which optimizes Potion Creation and Homunculus, as well as various other potion-related skills. They are a class which work for the benefit of their friends and strike terror into the hearts of their foes (armor).

Fame System

For Brewers there is a system in which players are ranked based on who can create the most potions.

  • Rank Point +1: 3 Condensed Potions created without failure in a row.
  • Rank Point +3: 5 Condensed Potions created without failure in a row.
  • Rank Point +10: 7 Condensed Potions created without failure in a row.
  • Rank Point +50: 10 Condensed Potions created without failure in a row.

Alchemist ranks can be checked via usage of the "/alchemist" command ingame. Potions made by an Alchemist/Biochemist who is in the top 10 list will receive a 50% bonus to their potency. This does not apply to potions used via Aid Potion or Aid Condensed Potion.


Below are listed the skills that are unique to the Alchemist class. For more information about Merchant skills, click here.

Skill Description Levels Type
File:Acid Terror.png Acid Terror
Throw an Acid bottle to deal up to 300% armour-ignoring, always-hitting damage to a single target. Also, destroy their armour and/or cause Bleeding with a chance. 5 Active
File:Potion Pitcher.png Potion Pitcher
Throw a Red, Orange, Yellow, White or Blue potion at a friendly target or yourself for up to 150% effectivness of it's HP or SP recovery. 5 Supportive
File:Chemical Protection Weapon.png Chemical Protection Weapon
Use a Glistening Coat on yourself or an ally to protect their weapon from being stolen or destroyed. 5 Supportive
File:Axe Mastery.png Axe Mastery
Passively increase damage you deal with axes. 10 Passive
File:Chemical Protection Helm.png Chemical Protection Helm
Use a Glistening Coat on yourself or an ally to protect their headgear from being stolen or destroyed. 5 Supportive
Throw a Bottle grenade at the ground to create a 3*3 cell fire damaging enemies that step into it and breaking their weapons with a chance. 5 Active
File:Learning Potion.png Learning Potion
Increases your chance to successfully make a potion. Also, increases effectiveness of potions you drink. 10 Passive
File:Pharmacy.png Pharmacy
Create potions from herbs and various other ingredients. 10 Supportive
File:Bio Cannibalize.png Bio Cannibalize
Create up to 5 friendly plant-type monsters with a Plant bottle. 5 Supportive
File:Sphere Mine.png Sphere Mine
Use a Marine Sphere bottle to create a marine sphere that will explode on taking damage. 5 Supportive
File:Chemical Protection Shield.png Chemical Protection Shield
Use a Glistening Coat on yourself or an ally to protect their shield from being stolen or destroyed. 5 Supportive
File:Chemical Protection Armor.png Chemical Protection Armor
Use a Glistening Coat on yourself or an ally to protect their armour from being stolen or destroyed. 5 Supportive
File:Bioethics.png Bioethics
Allows the learning of Homunculus Skills 1 Passive

Homunculus Skills

Skill Description Levels Type
File:Call Homunculus.png Call Homunculus
Summon an existing Homunculus that was stored by using the Vaporize skill. 1 Supportive
File:Resurrect Homunculus.png Resurrect Homunculus
Revive a Homunculus that has been defeated in battle. 5 Supportive
File:Rest.png Rest
Stores the caster's Homunculus. 1 Supportive

Soul Link

For more info, see the Alchemist Spirit page.

Skill Description Levels Type
File:Berserk Pitcher.png Berserk Pitcher
Allows the caster to throw Berserk potions to friendly targets. 1 Supportive
File:Twilight Alchemy I.png Twilight Alchemy I
Attempt to create 200 white potions 1 Active
File:Twilight Alchemy II.png Twilight Alchemy II
Attempt to create 200 condensed white potions 1 Active
File:Twilight Alchemy III.png Twilight Alchemy III
Attempt to create 100 Alcohol, 50 Acid Bottles and 50 Bottle Grenades 1 Active

External Links

Alchemist  · Biochemist
2nd Class
Acid Terror · Axe Mastery · Berserk Pitcher · Bio Cannibalize · Chemical Protection Armor · Chemical Protection Helm · Chemical Protection Shield · Chemical Protection Weapon · Demonstration · Pharmacy · Potion Pitcher · Twilight Alchemy I · Twilight Alchemy II · Twilight Alchemy III · Sphere Mine
Bioethics · Call Homunculus · Resurrect Homunculus · Rest
Acid Demonstration · Plant Cultivation · Full Chemical Protection · Slim Potion Pitcher
Classes of Ragnarok Online
Novice Class Novice · Super Novice
First Class Acolyte · Archer · Magician · Merchant · Swordman · Thief
Second Class Priest · Monk · Hunter · Bard · Dancer · Wizard · Sage · Blacksmith · Alchemist · Knight · Crusader · Assassin · Rogue
Transcendant Second Class High Priest · Champion · Sniper · Minstrel · Gypsy · High Wizard · Professor · Whitesmith · Creator · Lord Knight · Paladin · Assassin Cross · Stalker
Expanded Class Gunslinger · Ninja · TaeKwon Kid · Star Gladiator · Soul Linker