Attitude to the New World

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Base Level: 70
Job Level: None
Class: None
Party: None
Item(s) (Consumed): 1 Empty Bottle, 1 Strong Vine, 5 Holy Water, 30 Sticky Mucus, 20 Horn of Hillslion, 1 Horn of Tendrilion
Item(s) (Not Consumed): None
Zeny: None
Quest Prerequisite(s): Onward to the New World Quest
Quest Corequisite(s): None
Items: None
Base EXP: (See Guide)
Job EXP: None

1. In the Rune Midgarts Expedition Camp, speak to Monster Scholar, Rumis Block (Located at 188, 254), he tells you he hates the New World and loathes his job.

2. Speak to Camp Guard (Located at 335, 171). Go and kill a Nephentes and bring back a Strong Vine to help Rumis realize these monsters aren't so scary.

  • Note: You must not be helping Diego with the posts or delivering the final packing in the New Surroundings quest.

3. Return to Rumis Block with 1 Strong Vine, he thanks you and asks for further help. He needs some supplies to prepare a Nephentes specimen.

1 Empty Bottle
5 Holy Water
30 Sticky Mucus

4. Rumis asks you to deliver his specimen to his brother Terris Block (Located at 240, 270).

5. Talk to the Botanist, Terris. After the conversation, he asks you to talk to 30 or so of the pretty girls to the west.

6. After completing your task, Terris tells you that Cornus have been destroying his climate monitors. Has asks to to teach them a lesson.

7. Return to Terris, He tells you he suspects the land to the west is cultivated. He hands you a Decaying Stem and asks you to meet him near the mushroom west of the bridge.

8. Walk over the end of the bridge to the west and Terris will appear. Talk to him and plant the rotten stem in the dirt (Located at 52, 148).

9. After the Sprout comes to life talk to Terris again. Terris asks you to inform Rumis of his success.

10. Rumis has already heard, and strives to make his own discovery. Rumis asks you to meet him at the end of the east bridge to escort him to study a one of the new species.

11. Go to Manuk Field 01 and walk past (55, 259), and Rumis tells you to head towards the tree slightly southeast.

12. Examine the Frozen Tree (Located at 92, 229), Rumis climbed the tree because monsters were looking at him. He asks you to hunt:

20 Horn of Hillslion.

13. Return to the him with the required items. Rumis sees nothing particularly interesting about them, but he has gained the confidence to come to his tree alone next time. He asks you to talk to him back at the camp.

14. Rumis heard about someone being attacked to the east, he asks you to go investigate if the natives are hostile.

15. Return to Rumis who will ask you 2 questions. First answer is "Tatacho", second answer will be "Medium". After answering correctly he thanks you for your help. This marks the end of the displayed quests, and you gain:

  • 150,000,000

16. Additionally, if you bring Rumis one Horn of Tendrilion you will gain additional experience. This marks the end of this quest.

  • 100,000,000

External Links

First Quest Second Quest Third Quest Fourth Quest Fifth Quest Sixth Quest Final Quest
Onward to the New World Quest New Surroundings Attitude to the New World Report from the New World Ring of the Wise King Two Tribes Guardian of Yggdrasil
Pursuing Rayan Moore
Tripatriate Union's Feud
Finding a Fairy
OR Sapha's Visit Doha's Secret Orders
Cat Hand New World Access Finding a Fairy Frede's Request