Lex Aeterna

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File:Lex Aeterna icon.png Lex Aeterna Skill Info
File:Lex Aeterna.gif
Type: Active Skill
Levels: 1
SP Cost: 10
Cast Time: Instant
Cast Delay: 3 sec
Duration: Until target is damaged by anything
Target: Enemy
Range: 9 cells
Element: None
Catalyst: None
Status Icon: File:Lex Aeterna Status Icon.png
Lex Divina (Lv5)

Skill Description

Any players affected by this skill will have this icon.

The target will take double damage from the next damage source. Healing, misses, status effects and Reflect Shield do not trigger the effect. Cannot be cast on a Frozen or Stone Cursed target. It can however, be cast during the first stage of Stone Curse, before the target becomes Stoned.

Lex Aeterna is removed if the proceeding attack is blocked by Auto Guard, Parrying, or Kaupe, even if no damage was received.

Other Notes

On all servers, this skill is unchanged and retains the original effect.


Mogwai Card enables Lex Aeterna to affect all enemies within 3x3 AoE.

Obtained Via

  • Emerald Ring - (5 + Refine)% chance to cast this skill when hit
  • Owl Baron Card - 3% chance of auto casting Level 1 when hit.
  • Una Fey Card - Adds a chace of casting Lex Aeterna when being hit with a Magic Attack
  • Manteau of Reckoning - Chance to cast Lex Aeterna on enemy when attacking physically or with magic.
  • Sanctified Spirit Staff - When being hit, 1% chance to cast Lex Aeterna
  • Glorious Holy Avenger - When using Pressure, chance to cast Lex Aeterna on the target.
  • Rainbow Nyan - Small chance to cast Lex Aeterna on enemies when being hit with magical attacks.
  • Ring of Flame Lord & Ring of Resonance combo - 2% chance to cast Lex Aeterna when attacking.
Priest · High Priest
2nd Class
Aspersio · B.S Sacramenti · Gloria · Impositio Manus · Increase SP Recovery · Kyrie Eleison · Lex Aeterna · Lex Divina · Mace Mastery · Magnificat · Magnus Exorcismus · Recovery · Redemptio · Resurrection · Safety Wall · Sanctuary · Slow Poison · Suffragium · Turn Undead
Assumptio · Basilica · Meditatio · Mana Recharge