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None Pneuma Skill Info
Type: Active Skill
Levels: 1
SP Cost: 10
Cast Time: Instant
Cast Delay: None
Duration: 10 sec
Target: Ground
Range: 9 cells
Element: None
Catalyst: None
Status Icon: None
Warp Portal (Lv4)

Skill Description

Creates a 3x3 cell cloud around the target cell that blocks the damage all ranged physical attacks. This means that it also blocks the bow attacks of players. Monsters (and player attacks/skills) count as being "ranged" if their attack has a range of 4 or more cells.

Pneuma cannot be cast if it is targeted to overlap an already existing Pneuma area, Land Protector, or a Safety Wall. It can also be used to prevent a Safety Wall from being created on the target area. Note that only damage is blocked by Pneuma; other effects like Stun and knockback will retain their abilities. It is therefore possible to use Charge Arrow to knock a player out of a Pneuma and into harm's way.

After 10 seconds, Pneuma will expire. It will be difficult for you to recast pneuma on the same cell quickly, so it is simpler to place 2 pneumas side-by-side and shift when the time is up. The only delay is in the animation, so you can spawn many pneumas to protect many people at once. In a party, remember to pneuma yourself before doing so.

Does not block splash damage or negate the Flee reducing effects of having multiple targets attacking you. Do note that although you can see the animation on top of a Land Protector, Pneuma will have no effect.

Pneuma completely blocks the following skills:

Other Notes

On all servers, this skill is unchanged and retains the original effect.



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External Links

Skills Angelus · Aqua Benedicta · Blessing · Cure · Decrease Agility · Demon Bane · Divine Protection · Heal · Holy Light · Increase Agility · Pneuma · Ruwach · Signum Crusis · Teleportation · Warp Portal
Super Novice
Skills Acolyte Angelus · Aqua Benedicta · Blessing · Cure · Decrease Agility · Demon Bane · Divine Protection · Heal · Increase Agility · Pneuma · Ruwach · Signum Crusis · Teleportation · Warp Portal
Archer Attention Concentrate · Owl's Eye · Vulture's Eye
Mage Cold Bolt · Fire Ball · Fire Bolt · Fire Wall · Frost Diver · Increase SP Recovery · Lightning Bolt · Napalm Beat · Safety Wall · Sight · Soul Strike · Stone Curse · Thunder Storm
Merchant Discount · Enlarge Weight Limit · Identify · Mammonite · Overcharge · Pushcart · Vending
Swordman Bash · Endure · Increase Recuperative Power · Magnum Break · Provoke · Sword Mastery
Thief Detoxify · Envenom · Hiding · Increase Dodge · Steal