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== Mag's How To: ==
== Mag's How To: ==

* [[First Steps]]
* [[First Steps - By Mag|First Steps]]
* [[Routes Donors vs Non Donors]]
* [[Routes Donors vs Non Donors - By Mag|Routes Donors vs Non Donors]]

=== Step 1: get Freebies! ===
talking with the vending machine near the main square in prontera (139, 225) will give you an angra manyu weapon and 2 manuals. the angra is a powerful equip that gives a very high atk without any need to invest in str points and heals us by the same amount of damage we deal with physical attacks, everyone should grab this piece as soon as they inted to level up. do note that this particular version of angra has a limited time duration of one week and will disappear after it expires, still it's plenty enough time to  level up at the very least one character up to max level.

===Step 2: Novice ===
reach job level 10 with novice class-> quite literally kill 4-5 porings south of prontera (@go 0) and this step is easily achieved. once done, go back to prontera to job up into whatever class you wish to pick going forward
=== Step 3: First class up ===
to class up you need to be (at least) level 40 job -> add some points to dex stat, about 40 should be more than enough for now and head to @go 14, exit outside the nearby warp and kill mi gao monsters. those are slow moving enemies that gives a good chunk of both basic and job experience, you can easily stay here until level 40 job, then go back to advance into the second class of your choice
=== Step 4: Road to 99/50 ===
In order to advance to our rebirth state we need to reach level 99 basic and 50 job. a good way to get this done is to go back to mi gao from the previous step to quickly rack up about 30 job levels and some more basic ones as well before venturing into sphynx dungeon lv 4 and hunt for anubis. those will be the first "decently strong" monsters we'll have to fight but with the angra they will be no match for us, we can easily stay here farming them untill the desired level. at this point we should have quite a few stat points to use and bringing dex up to 80 is a good idea as well as moving any other point into agility to increase our attack speed.
=== Step 5: Rebirth ===
once reached 99/50 we can go back and rebirth into high novice, we get 100 bonus stat points that should go all invested in dex, then head to payon dungeon 1 and kill 1-2 skeletons to immediately reach high novice lv10 and back to prontera again to class up into high-whateverclass you picked
=== Step 6: High Class===
this time, we need to attain level 50 job before doing our final class up, 40 won't be enough as we'd lose on 10 skill points if we rush it. Go back to mi gao @go 14 and spend some minutes here killing them until level 50 job. it's a safe spot for leveling and you should have no troubles here
=== Step 7: Last Class Up ===
once attained level 50 you can class up  into the final rebirthed class and from here the level cap will be 255 base and 120 job. there are 2 possible routes to follow from this point onward

== Routes Donors vs Non Donors - Made by Mag ==
== Routes Donors vs Non Donors - Made by Mag ==

Revision as of 07:37, 9 May 2024

Hello players, the section of this guide will be made from players that want to share their knowledge of the game.

The following guides are made by Players:

Mag's How To:

Routes Donors vs Non Donors - Made by Mag

Route 1: Non Donors

put points in dex upward of 90 and any other point into agility, this will give us enough attack speed and flee to be able take on most enemies in 1v1 scenarios. angra will provide both sustain and damage and the more our aspd rises the more we'll be able to tackle. Kill anubis until level 90 (sphynx 4) then go odin shrine 2 to grab 10 more levels killing skoguls and other similar mobs in this area.

Once around level 100 you should be ready to try thors volcano 1. this dungeon is mostly fire based and having fire resistances is very useful. you can buy fire imbued armors for cheap zeny that you should have by now even just by selling basic loots or ask around to other players, they will most certainly have plenty of spares. Regardless, once you manage to have a proper amount of fire resistance go thors 1 and look for imps and kasas. at lower levels I'd suggest avoiding swordmasters and bowmasters as those mobs could likely kill you if you don't have enough agility yet to avoid their hits as they do not do fire based damage but neutral, which is a bit harder to resist.

You should stay here until level 130, follow the same logic to assign stat points and pump agility to quickly reach 196 aspd (capped). concentration potions, awakening potions and berserk potions are all decent helps toward the cause as well. once level 130 is achieved you can move to thors 3 and tackle more salamanders that give more exp than kasa and imps and the density here is also pretty consistent. you should stay here until level 160 At 160 you are ready to move on to biolab4 (aka biolab basement). mobs here mostly do auto attacks and have a very short aggro range but their attack speed is rather high and some have extremely high flee.

You should try to avoid filirs unless you want to reset stats and swap dexterity for luck and go with a full critical build. crit hits ignores both flee and def of enemies and allows you to hit filirs too as well as giving perfect dodge that helps with surviving their attacks. this will however lock you out of skills as your hit rate will inevitably be too low. regardless, this is the final leveling place where you will be staying untill max level. some classes that have better auto attacks like lord knight thanks to berserk will be easier to level here while others will struggle more. as a general tip, try not to mob too many at once or you will die.

You should have enough agility to live trough most attacks however by now and to have the aspd cap as well, so, fighting 1-2 enemies per pull should be ok. obviously every class has their tricks but this is a generic leveling guide, how you will manage your class is up to you and your play style.

Route 2: Donor

if you plan to invest 10 dollars you should consider getting the donor item Ahura Mazda. this shield combines perfectly with angra manyu as it will reflect 100% of the damage dealt to us back to our enemy. this reflected damage is seen as it was one of our OWN attack and will trigger the healing from Angra, healing us basically for the same amount of damage we were dealt, making us functionally unkillable via regular melee attacks from monsters.

This opens up the chance to go to biolab4 much earlier than 160, as soon as level 90 in fact.

Having this shield makes us invest about 50 points in vit stat just to make sure to have a comfortable 50-60k hp pool around level 100 then we can invest the rest of the points depending on what other gears we have to compliment this build.

IF we have access to ring of flame lord + ring of resonance combo, our reflected damage from ahura mazda (that counts as normal attacks done by us) will trigger the 2 rings to cast their skills and since reflected damage is dealt based on the attack speed of the enemy hitting us, the more hits we take, the more we reflect back and the more skills the 2 rings will cast, speeding up significatively our leveling. if we have this pair of rings, we should invest points in dexterity to make sure the skills we cast actually hits the enemy, around 150 dex should be enough for most cases.

IF we ALSO have a dark lord card to put into our shoes, whenever we are hit we counterattack with meteor storm, dealing a lot of damage on top of our already great reflected damage. Dark lord is a mvp room card so you can either farm it there or donate another 10 dollars to grab one from the donor shop. Having this card makes us want to go with intellect as a main stat, hence dumping all points into intellect is a good idea as the meteors will scale with our magic attack stat and if we happen to also have a salamander card the damage boost will be even greater Having either of those two options is great but having BOTH is amazing and will let us walk-level without the need to do anything at all exept just walking torugh packs of enemies and watchign them die on counter attacks, combining the healing from angra with the reflected damage of ahura mazda and the autocasted skills from rings and dark lord is the fastest way to level up by far and if floating rates are also up, well, it's definitely time to grind some experience ~