Itty Bitty Poring City

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Revision as of 01:20, 5 May 2024 by Renatusro (talk | contribs)
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About Itty Bitty Poring City

You cannot use Angra Manyu or Ahura Mazdha in this dungeon.


A poring city, home to the Order of porings. This is a custom map for those who have completed the Pouring Rain, Pouring Blood and Pouring Hope quests.



  • Starving Sapling
  • Robbering of the Order
  • Huntering of the Order
  • Priestling of the Order
  • Knightling of the Order
  • Wizardling of the Order
  • Vendoring of the Order
  • Sanguine Sapling
  • Exchangering
  • Pompous Pumpkinring