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This status ailment causes the following effects:

  • Reduces afflicted target's HP to 1.
  • Reduces afflicted target's SP to 0.
  • When used against monsters, amount of EXP that equals the damage you dealt during this period is not given when monster dies.

To assist in recovering from this ailment:

  • Heal, Healing Items
  • One of Battle Chant's random effects grants 60 seconds of immunity to all status effects to party members, including Coma. (Editor's Note: Untested. It's hard to classify Coma as a status effect, and I do not know if it is covered by Battle Chant's immunity effect.)

Other notes:

  • You can dodge coma inducing physical attacks if you have high flee.
  • Having higher Luk will decrease the chance of Coma when attacked.
  • Inversely, having higher Luk will increase the chances for Coma infliction when attacking.