Flip the Coin

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This skill's information has been altered on one of the servers.
Please see the "Other" section listed in the table shown below to read details about this change.
File:Flip the Coin.png Flip the Coin Skill Info
Type: Active Skill
Levels: 5
SP Cost: 2
Cast Time: Instant
Cast Delay: None
Duration: None
Target: Self
Range: None
Element: None
Catalyst: Lv1: 1z

Skill Description

Flip a coin, if it's the top, a Coin will appear floating next to you; if it's bottom, you lose 1 Coin. You can collect up to 10 Coins. Higher skill levels increase the chance to get top, but the more you have, the more difficult to get a new one. Each Coin gives +3 DMG, that never misses, in each normal attack. Each Coin also provide more damage to skills in a yet unknown ammount. Coins are lost on relog or death..

Other Notes


  • The chances for success have been increased.



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