Artistry and Crafting System/Handicrafting

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Handicrafting is part of the new Artistry and Crafting System. For information about the system in general, see the specified page. The following is a guide to get you started on handicrafting:

  • Warp to Veins, and walk around the map to get to a plateau in the center. Locate the Handicrafting Guild (Located around 230, 180)
  • Speak to Handicrafting Master, and accept the invite to practice some handicrafting. Speak to him again and he will inform you of some work orders. You can complete these work order to earn Denarius, a type of currency used to buy higher skill level books. Since this is also crafting, you can gain skill levels by crafting the items for the work order.
  • When accepting a work order, it tells you the items required to fill it. Keep repeating the process of crafting items for the order until you reach a 5 level marker. Every 5 Skill Levels will make the master give you a new work order. For information on what work orders are for what skill level, see the table below.
  • Speak to the Handicrafting Table in the same area, and trade it items required for the crafted product. each time you craft items, you earn experience for your skill level. After creating the items, you can return to the Handicrafting Master who will give you denarius for the work order
  • Repeat the process of obtaining work orders, leveling, and crafting to advance in your craft. At any point, you may start crafting weapons and/or armors. The higher level you are in a craft, the better success chance you will have, so if you have level 10 Handicrafting, you will have close to no chance at succeeding in making a "Heartwood" level item. For a list of items you can forge that are non-work order crafts, see below under book crafting and weapon/equipment crafting.
  • You need a new Handicrafting Guide every 10 level to continue leveling your handicrafting skill. Intermediate at 10, Advanced at 20, and Journeymans' at 30 respectively.
  • You can buy Handicrafting Guides from the Handicrafting Shop. You can also buy an Artisan's Charm to increase your crafting success.
  • A message "Your handicrafting skill has increased slightly." or "Your handicrafting skill is now level _!" to let you know that your Handicrafting level increased.
  • You may speak to the Crafting Master to be told what your current crafting level is.
  • NOTE: Don't wear Incantation Samurai Card or any other cards that will make you lose HP, or the cast will be interrupted and you will lose your items during crafting!!

Crafting Ingredients

Work Order Crafting

Skill Level Crafted Item Denarius Earned Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2
0-4 1 or 2 Cut Lumber 1 1 Trunk 1 Witched Starsand
5-9 1 or 2 Tough Rope 2 1 Thin Trunk 1 Witched Starsand
10-14 1 or 2 Repaired Books 3 1 Torn Magic Book 1 Witched Starsand
15-19 1 or 2 Trimmed Roots 4 1 Tree Root 1 Witched Starsand
20-24 1 or 2 Smooth Wooden Heart 5 1 Wooden Heart 1 Witched Starsand
25-29 1 or 2 Repaired Diamond 6 1 Cracked Diamond 1 Witched Starsand
30-34 1 or 2 Smooth Wood 7 1 Wooden Gnarl 1 Witched Starsand
35-40 1 or 2 Repaired Pharaoh Emblem 8 1 Broken Pharaoh Emblem 1 Witched Starsand

Book Crafting

Required Book Crafted Item Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Crafting Supply
Basic Handicrafting Guide 1 or 2 Barren Lumber 1 Barren Trunk 1 Grit 1 Lumber Axe
1 or 2 Barren Block 2 Barren Lumber 1 Sharp Scale 1 Lumber Saw
1 or 2 Barren Board 2 Barren Block 1 Fine Sand 1 Plane
1 or 2 Ruby Jewel 1 Ruby 1 Fine Grit
1 or 2 Sapphire Jewel 3 Sapphire 1 Fine Grit
Intermediate Handicrafting Guide 1 or 2 Solid Lumber 5 Solid Trunk 1 Grit 1 Lumber Axe
1 or 2 Solid Block 2 Solid Lumber 1 Sharp Scale 1 Lumber Saw
1 or 2 Solid Board 2 Solid Block 1 Fine Sand 1 Plane
1 or 2 Topaz Jewel 9 Topaz 1 Fine Grit
1 or 2 Zircon Jewel 27 Zircon 1 Fine Grit
Advanced Handicrafting Guide 1 or 2 Fine Grained Lumber 25 Fine-Grained Trunk 1 Grit 1 Lumber Axe
1 or 2 Fine Grained Block 2 Fine Grained Lumber 1 Sharp Scale 1 Lumber Saw
1 or 2 Fine Grained Board 2 Fine Grained Block 1 Fine Sand 1 Plane
1 or 2 Emerald Jewel 81 Emerald 1 Fine Grit
1 or 2 Diamond Jewel 100 1carat Diamond 1 Fine Grit
Journeymans' Handicrafting Guide 1 or 2 Heartwood Lumber 2 Heartwood 1 Grit 1 Lumber Axe
1 or 2 Heartwood Block 2 Heartwood Lumber 1 Sharp Scale 1 Lumber Saw
1 or 2 Heartwood Board 2 Heartwood Block 1 Fine Sand 1 Plane
1 or 2 Asteria Jewel 3 Asteria 1 Fine Grit
1 or 2 Andalusite Jewel 3 Andalusite 1 Fine Grit

Weapon/Equipment Crafting

Crafted Item Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3 Ingredient 4 Ingredient 5
Barren Whip 10 Dragon Canine 6 Bonded Leather Lacing 8 Barren Block 1 Lathe 1 Wood Glue
Barren Guitar 6 Tendon 6 Iron Band 2 Barren Block 3 Barren Board 1 Wood Glue
Barren Bow 2 Mother's Nightmare 6 Flax Threads 4 Barren Board 1 Lathe 1 Wood Glue
Barren Book 1 Bookclip in Memory 25 Slick Paper 3 Bonded Leather 2 Barren Board 1 Wood Glue
Barren Rod 1 Crystal of Darkness 9 Barren Block 1 Lathe 1 Wood Glue
Solid Whip 10 Dragon Canine 6 Alligator Skin Lacing 8 Solid Block 1 Lathe 1 Wood Glue
Solid Guitar 6 Tendon 6 Steel Band 2 Solid Block 3 Solid Board 1 Wood Glue
Solid Bow 2 Mother's Nightmare 6 Wool Thread 4 Solid Board 1 Lathe 1 Wood Glue
Solid Book 1 Bookclip in Memory 25 Slick Paper 3 Alligator Leather 2 Solid Board 1 Wood Glue
Solid Rod 1 Crystal of Darkness 9 Solid Block 1 Lathe 1 Wood Glue
Fine Whip 10 Dragon Canine 6 Dragon Skin Lacing 8 Fine Grained Block 1 Lathe 1 Wood Glue
Fine Guitar 6 Tendon 6 Oridecon Band 2 Fine Grained Block 3 Fine Grained Board 1 Wood Glue
Fine Bow 2 Mother's Nightmare 6 Satin Thread 4 Fine Grained Board 1 Lathe 1 Wood Glue
Fine Book 1 Bookclip in Memory 25 Slick Paper 3 Dragon Leather 2 Fine Grained Board 1 Wood Glue
Fine Rod 1 Crystal of Darkness 9 Fine Grained Block 1 Lathe 1 Wood Glue
Heart Whip 10 Dragon Canine 6 Demon Skin Lacing 8 Heartwood Block 1 Lathe 1 Wood Glue
Heart Guitar 6 Tendon 6 Elunium Band 2 Heartwood Block 3 Heartwood Board 1 Wood Glue
Heart Bow 2 Mother's Nightmare 6 Cashmere Thread 4 Heartwood Board 1 Lathe 1 Wood Glue
Heart Book 1 Bookclip in Memory 25 Slick Paper 3 Demon Leather 2 Heartwood Board 1 Wood Glue
Heart Rod 1 Crystal of Darkness 9 Heartwood Block 1 Lathe 1 Wood Glue
Ruby Ring 1 Gold 1 Ruby Jewel
Sapphire Ring 1 Gold 1 Sapphire Jewel
Zircon Ring 1 Gold 1 Zircon Jewel
Topaz Ring 1 Gold 1 Topaz Jewel
Emerald Ring 1 Gold 1 Emerald Jewel
1 Carat Diamond Ring 1 Gold 1 Diamond Jewel
Asteria Ring 1 Gold 20x 1 Asteria Jewel
Andalusite Ring 1 Gold 1 Andalusite Jewel


At any time, a player can trade in a completed equipment / weapon to the Dismantling Table (Located at 236, 176). By dismantling an item, you can receive some of the basic ingredients back. Just like crafting, you can receive the normal amount of items, or if your lucky, double the normal amount. Depending on the item you try to dismantle, you get specific ingredients back. Such items include: