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This skill's information has been altered on one of the servers.
Please see the "Other" section listed in the table shown below to read details about this change.
File:Pressure.png Pressure Skill Info
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 5
SP Cost: 25 + 5*SkillLV
Cast Time: Lv1: 2 sec, Lv2: 2.5 sec, Lv3: 3 sec, Lv4: 3.5 sec, Lv5: 4 sec
Cast Delay: Lv1: 2 sec, Lv2: 2.5 sec, Lv3: 3 sec, Lv4: 3.5 sec, Lv5: 4 sec
Duration: None
Target: Enemy
Range: 9 cells
Element: None
Catalyst: None
Endure (Lv5), Faith (Lv5), Shield Charge (Lv2)

Skill Description

Ranged attack that calls upon a cross from the sky to crush your enemies. Does a fixed amount of 500+300*SkillLV damage and makes the target lose (15+5*SkillLV)% SP.
This skill is an attack by the holy God himself and therefore ignores all enemy defense and Flee, and can not be interrupted or canceled by Magic Rod, Reflect Shield, Pneuma, Safety Wall, etc.
Damage is not reduced by Woe Reduction, Energy Coat, equipment or cards; but is not affected by Lex Aeterna. The only way to avoid it is by Cloaking before getting targeted.

Cast Time (sec)
Cast Delay (sec)
Current SP Removed (%)2025303540
SP Cost3035404550

Other Notes


  • Pressure will now do 2500 plus 1500 times skill level damage, or 10,000 at level 5.
  • Skill will have a self limited delay equal to its natural delay (Lv1: 2 sec, Lv2: 2.5 sec, Lv3: 3 sec, Lv4: 3.5 sec, Lv5: 4 sec)



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