Rapid Shower

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None Rapid Shower Skill Info
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 10
SP Cost: 20 + 2*SkillLV
Cast Time: Instant
Cast Delay: 1 sec
Duration: None
Target: Enemy
Range: Weapon Range + Snake's Eye SkillLV cells
Element: None
Catalyst: 5 bullets
Status Icon: None
Chain Action (Lv3)

Skill Description

  • Requires a Revolver.

Uses 5 bullets and attack a single target with a 5 hit burst causing (500+50*SkillLV)% ATK damage.

Damage (%) 5506006507007508008509009501000
SP Cost 22242628303234363840

Other Notes

On all servers, this skill is unchanged and retains the original effect.



Obtained Via
