Zeny - By Mag

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This time I bring you a guide on zeny making. zeny are the main currency of the game and knowing how to efficently farm them can give us a better understanding of trading and possibly help the general economy to grow and reach a stable point.

So, first and foremost the best and quickest way to earn zeny is, obviously, converting credits into millions from the in-game npc but not everyone can afford to do that constantly.

Another rather obvious fast way to earn multiple millions in one go is to sell valuable items to other players, but this is also rather obvious and does imply some work before obtaining said valuable item.

That aside, there are more stable ways to make zeny from the actual game that doesn't require dumb luck or dumping real money into credit conversion and those methods revolves around Farming.

1) Juperos core:

This map is filled to the brim with easy-to-kill monsters that have a pretty high spawn rate and density troughout the area. Simply autoloot 100 and spend here as much time as needed for easy zeny by selling anything and everything they drop. The single piece of item doesn't pack an explosive amount of value but it's a very easy and stable source that gets easier and easier depending on how much AoE damage we can put up. stack yourself full and sell everything USING A MERCHANT CLASS to complete the deal with the npcs to earn even more in the trade thanks to overcharge.

2) Abyss Lake 3:

As usual, autoloot 100 is the way, picking up plenty of useless set pieces like magnis morpheus that can be sold for high amounts. on top of that gold acidus drops treasure boxes that fetches 150 000 on their own as well, keep an eye on weight limit and by the time you reach 90% and are forced to sell you should have made at least a couple of millions, always keeping in mind to sell or directly farm with a merchant class because of overcharge

3) Thanatos tower:

Working the same as Abyss lake, doing full rounds of the tower and selling the various items and gears will pack you up with zeny. Depending on how much time you are willing to invest this is one of the better spots to farm as the items have an high median of worth and the dungeon isn't too hard to overcome.

There might be other places that could be as useful or maybe better but those three are the one I feel like safely suggest for those of you who look forward to have some quality zeny farming with little effort and doesn't require extensive hours on end.