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None Aspersio Skill Info
Type: Active Skill
Levels: 5
SP Cost: 10 + 4*SkillLV
Cast Time: Instant
Cast Delay: 2 sec
Duration: 30 + 30*SkillLV sec
Target: Player
Range: 9 cells
Element: Holy, Long Range, Magic Attack
Catalyst: 1 Holy Water
Status Icon: None
Aqua Benedicta (Lv1), Impositio Manus (Lv3)

Skill Description

  • Requires 1 Holy Water.

File:I Aspersio.png - Any players affected by this skill will have this icon.

Aspersio changes your own or an allies' weapon property to Holy. Changing or removing the weapon will cancel the effect prematurely. When a second weapon enchanting spell effect (from Enchant Poison or Aspersio currently) is cast on a target, then it will replace the first spell effect.

Aspersio can also be used as a weak attack. Using Shift-click, you can target an Undead property or Demon family monsters and inflict 40 damage of Holy property damage that ignores all defenses. Against other kinds of monsters, it does no damage, but consumes the Holy Water and SP anyway.

level Duration (seconds) SP Cost
1 60 12
2 90 14
3 120 16
4 150 18
5 180 20

Other Notes

On all servers, this skill is unchanged and retains the original effect.



Obtained Via


Priest · High Priest
2nd Class
Aspersio · B.S Sacramenti · Gloria · Impositio Manus · Increase SP Recovery · Kyrie Eleison · Lex Aeterna · Lex Divina · Mace Mastery · Magnificat · Magnus Exorcismus · Recovery · Redemptio · Resurrection · Safety Wall · Sanctuary · Slow Poison · Suffragium · Turn Undead
Assumptio · Basilica · Meditatio · Mana Recharge