Notoriety Quests/Tier 3

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Quests For Both Sides

The Amatsu Tree

1. Speak to the Journalist until she tells you about this quest.

2. Warp to Amatsu and head to the middle right of the map, on top of a giant hill is the Amatsu Tree. Depending on which side you are on, you need to speak to a specific NPC.

  • Fame Side
1. Speak to Teresa (Located at 264, 196). She will ask you to help save the tree by gathering some items. Bring her back the following items:
2. After you heal the tree with those items, she will give you your first reward
  • Small Fame +
3. She will ask you to bring back more items. Bring her back the following items:
4. After you heal the tree again, you will receive your second reward
  • Small Fame +
5. She will ask you to bring back items one more time. Bring her back the following items:
6. After you make the tree healthy, you will receive your last reward.
  • Small Fame +
  • Infamy Side
1. Speak to Teresa (Located at 264, 196). She will ask you to help her. Make sure to choose "Let me think on it", so she stops talking.
2. Next, speak to Dozer Dave (Located at 279, 196). He will ask you to help take down the tree by gathering some items. Bring him a total of 100 items with the following combination:
This mean you can have 25 of each of the four items, or 97 of one item and 1 of the rest. You need 100 total, not any more.
3. After assisting to destroy the tree, you will receive your reward
  • Infamy +
The Skinner in Gonryun

1. Speak to the Journalist until she tells you about this quest.

2. Go to Gonryun and walk to the Northeast floating island and speak to the Animal Skinner (Located at 201, 256). Agree to help him and he gives you a list of items:

3. Keep talking to him and he will mention endangered animal skins and he will give you a list:

4. Choose which skins you will give him depending on your side.

  • Fame Side
1. Bring him any combination of Anolian Skin, Antelope Skin or Leopard Skin. You may bring any amount of each skin, but you must bring at least 1 of each and can not have a combined total of more than 500. The higher amount of items you bring him, the better the reward. For example, if you bring him 1 of each skin, that total is 3, and he will be disappointed in the quantity of skins. He will reward you with nothing. But, if you bring him 500 or 250, it's near guaranteed that he will give you your reward.
Higher quantity = Higher success chance.
2. After you bring the skins, if you brought enough, he will give you your reward
  • Small Fame +
  • Infamy Side
1. Bring him any combination of Dragon Skin, Poisonous Toad Skin or Black Bear Skin. You may bring any amount of each skin, but you must bring at least 1 of each and can not have a combined total of more than 500. The higher amount of items you bring him, the better the reward. For example, if you bring him 1 of each skin, that total is 3, and he will be disappointed in the quantity of skins. He will reward you with nothing. But, if you bring him 500, it's near guaranteed that he will give you your reward.
Higher quantity = Higher success chance.
2. After you bring the skins, if you brought enough, he will give you your reward
  • Infamy +
Strange Alchemists in Comodo

1. Speak to the Journalist until she tells you about this quest.

2. Warp to Comodo and head Northeast until you reach the Strange Alchemist (Located at 280, 214). Speak to her and she will tell you about rainbow potions.

3. Similar to the Cacao Mission for Fame Tier 1, this quest requires you to bring potions in certain combinations. Some combinations work better than others. You must bring between 1 and 100 of the following potions, but finding the right combination is up to you:

***Hint: Using 99 of each potion type has the best chance for success***

4. After you bring her the potions, she will take all that is in your inventory. So make sure to store them in your storage until you are ready for her to take them.

5. If she succeeds, she will say "bibbity boppity boo" and when you speak to her again, you will be presented with two options

  • Option 1: ...
  • Exits the NPC and you can return to continue talking to her
  • Option 2: Congratulations Roo!
  • Small Fame +
  • Option 3: *Steal the Potion*
  • Small Infamy +

6. No matter what, if you congratulate her, or steal the potion, you will also receive 5 random potions shown here:

7. Repeat step 3-6 until the NPC no longer requires your potions

Dancing Grace in Ayothaya

1. Speak to the Journalist until she tells you about this quest.

2. Go to Ayothaya and walk to the top center of the map. Speak to Grace (Located at 142, 285).

3. Dance with Grace and follow the steps. Reply with the appropriate response depending on your side:

  • Step Left
  • *Step right*
  • Stops the dancing and you start again.
  • *Step left*
  • Moves on to the next dance.
  • Perfect, now spin!
  • *Spin in a circle*
  • Moves on to the next dance.
  • *Jump up and down*
  • Stops the dancing and you start again.
  • Now just sway~
  • *Do a backflip*
  • Stops the dancing and you start again.
  • *Sway back and forth*
  • Moves to the next part
  • *This is insane...*
  • Small Infamy +

4. Speak to Grace again and she tells you to bring her the following items:

5. After returning with the items, speak to her again and after a little dance, you're presented with 3 options

  • Maybe we should dance again?
  • Makes you dance again if you want to come back later
  • Well there are a couple things...
  • Small Fame +
  • Nope... it's perfect *snickers*
  • Small Infamy +

6. Speak to her again and you will be asked to bring her a costume. Bring her the following depending on your side

  • Fame Side
  • Small Fame +
  • Infamy Side
  • Small Infamy +
Archers in Payon

1. Speak to the Journalist until she tells you about this quest.

2. Warp to Payon and head right and near the Kafra is Lorelai (Located at 190, 225). She will say they have no bows or arrows. Agree to help her and she will ask for one of the following items:

3. After returning with the bow and quivers, she gives you two options. Be careful which option you pick depending on your side.

  • Wait, let me come back
  • Allows you to return again before giving her the items
  • Sure, but it'll cost you
  • Extorts the archer and gives you infamy
  • Small Infamy +
  • Of course you can!
  • Lets you give the arrows free of charge
  • Small Fame +

4. Repeat 'Step 2' until she no longer requires assistance. The items required may or may not change.

Wounded Orc

1. Speak to the Journalist until she tells you about this quest. You must have completed and earned enough Fame/Infamy.

2. Warp to Orc Dungeon F2 and make your way to the end of the map. You will find a Wounded Orc(Located at 164, 27) near the exit.

3. Listen to the Orc and it will ask for you to bring it 1 Giant Band Aid before it starts telling it's story.

4. After bringing the Bandaid, you'll realize you need Aloevera to properly treat the wound. Bring back some and try to treat the wound. There is a chance to fail, so you may need to bring more than 1.

5. After successfully treating the wound, the Orc starts its story. While listening to the story it falls unconscious. Now you need to bring a Heal scroll (Level 3 or 5 doesn't matter). Same as the Aloevera, there is a chance to fail, so bring more than 1.

6. After treating the Orc, it will finish it's story then slip out of consciousness again. The following step depend on your side:

  • Fame Side
1. Bring a Holy Water to bless the soul as it drifts off.
2. As the Orc lay dead, its hand opens and you obtain a Nieve's Key.
  • Infamy Side
1. Bring a Cutter to finish off the Orc.
2. As the Orc lay dead, its hand opens and you obtain an Orc Village Key.
This quest marks the end of Tier 3.

Fame Side

The Gems in Gonryun

1. Speak to the Journalist until she tells you about this quest.

2. Go to Gonryun and walk Northeast, until you reach the Confused Delivery Man (Located at 202, 159). He will ask you to find his gems.

3. Walk around the map checking the ground. You must find 10 gems by clicking on them when you find them.

4. After finding all 10, return to the Confused Delivery Man. He will give you your reward for returning them

Infamy Side

Smugglers In Rachel

1. Speak to the Journalist until she tells you about this quest.

2. Go to Rachel and head to the Southwest corner of the map and speak to the Brian who is also known as the smuggler (Located at 52, 29). He will talk to you about some unsettled business with a fat ol' man named Alfonse.

3. Go to Comodo and head to the Southwest area of the map and speak to the Shadey Business Man, also known as the Alfonse (Located at 52, 161). He will ask you what you are doing.

4. Tell him that Brian sent you and he will explain about the debt that Brian has against him. Return to Brian in Rachel.

5. He will tell you to pay off the debt. Go back to Alfonse in Comodo.

6. Bring 15,000,000 Zeny and talk to Alfonse. Give him the money and he sends you back to Brian.

7. Brian likes the product and decides to reward you with a small gift

8. Repeat the quest until you no longer want to or he doesn't accept your help any more.

External Links

Notoriety Quests
Notoriety Quests/Tier 1 Notoriety Quests/Tier 2 Notoriety Quests/Tier 3