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This is a mission on Tier 3 of the Royal Dispatch Company.

Basically the storyline is the Goblin leaders have captured Bascojin and Kobolds. Now your task is to kill the Goblin Leaders to release their prisoner.

Once you spawn on the map, you will see 6 portals on the mini map. Well, normally they would be portals, but here they are the Goblin Leader locations.

Your task is to navigate your way to the Goblin Leader and kill its slaves. Then you will need to dispel the Goblin leader, and then you will be able to damage it. Until you dispel it, it will stay invulnerable and only take one damage per hit. Now the Goblins have a few tricks up their sleeves. The Leader will go Berserk. And if you dispel it, it will Berserk again.

It also has reflect shield, which means, if you see it use the skill, dispel it, no matter if it just Berserks again. You will be wasting a lot of berries, if you don`t do that. Aside from that they will strip your Weapon, which is why getting FCP beforehand is a good option as well as getting some Chemical Weapon Protection Scrolls.

After you kill the Leader, you will either have freed a Kobold or Bacsojin. If its Kobold, just head towards the next Goblin Leader. And if its Bacsojin, Congratulations! You have just completed the mission successfully and can now head to the starting point to lot from the treasure Chest.