Blitz Beat

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Please see the "Other" section listed in the table shown below to read details about this change.
File:Blitz Beat.png Blitz Beat Skill Info
Type: Offensive Skill
Levels: 5
SP Cost: 7 + 3*SkillLV
Cast Time: 1.5 sec
Cast Delay: 1 sec
Duration: 0.2 * SkillLV sec
Target: Enemy
Range: 5 cells
Element: None
Catalyst: None
Falconry Mastery (Lv1)

Skill Description

  • Requires a Falcon

Orders your Falcon to attack, delivering SkillLV hits to all enemies in a 3x3 area around the target for a total of (DEX / 10] + [INT / 2] + 3 * Steel Crow SkillLV + 40) * 2) using Neutral Element. This skill ignores Def and MDEF and damage modification cards for size and family, but not elemental property.

In addition, there is a 0.3%*LUK chance of Blitz Beat occurring automatically per shot with a bow. This so called auto-blitz beat is less effective than a manual one and the full damage is split evenly between all targets affected.

For example, an auto-blitz beat that hits 3 targets will do 1/3 of the normal damage to each. Also, the total number of hits it delivers is based on the users job level and is equal to [(Job Level - 1) / 10] + 1.

Number of Hits12345
Required SP1013161922

Other Notes


  • Skill will no longer be affected by Pneuma
  • Dex will have ten times and Int four times more of an effect on output damage
  • ([DEX] + [INT]*2 + 3 * Steel Crow SkillLV + 40) * 2)



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