Skid Trap

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None Skid Trap Skill Info
Type: Active Skill
Levels: 5
SP Cost: 10
Cast Time: Instant
Cast Delay: None
Duration: 360 - 60*SkillLV sec
Target: Ground
Range: 3 cells
Element: None
Catalyst: 1 Trap
Status Icon: None

Skill Description

  • Requires 1 Trap

A Skid Trap is a trap that activates when someone comes within SkillLV cells of it. When activated, the affected target is pushed back 5 + SkillLV cells (10 cells if the skill is at level 5).

Skid Traps are invisible, but any player who can see the Hunter laying the trap will be able to see the trap until they move out of sight of it. Use of any Hide revealing skill will reveal the trap. This trap will affect Players in PVP zones, including the user.

Does not work on Boss and Plant monsters. If not tripped by the end of the duration, the Skid Trap will turn back into a Trap item on the floor and can be reclaimed.

Sliding Range (cells)678910
Duration (seconds)30024018012060

Other Notes

On all servers, this skill is unchanged and retains the original effect.



Obtained Via


Hunter  · Sniper
2nd Class
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True Sight · Falcon Assault · Sharp Shooting · Wind Walk